

Yes We Do! (YWD) makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is as accurate and up to date as possible. We also strive for good accessibility of the website and services we offer electronically. We reserve the right to change the contents of the information on this website.

Despite our constant care and efforts for the contents of the website, it is possible that the information on the website is incomplete or incorrect. The information on the website is regularly updated. Changes can always be made with immediate effect and without any notification. Should there nevertheless be inaccuracies in the data or should the information no longer be up to date, we regret this. However, Yes We Do! accepts no liability. Nor do we guarantee that e-mails or other electronic messages sent to us will be received and processed in a timely manner, and we accept no liability for the consequences of not receiving or processing them or receiving or processing them too late.

Intellectual property rights

Visitors of the website may not publish or reproduce any works protected by copyright or other information stored on the website without the permission of Yes We Do!


Yes We Do! accepts no responsibility for the content of websites to which or from which a hyperlink or other reference is made.


Yes We Do! does not guarantee that the information, software or references or hyperlinks accessible on this website, are free from viruses or similar harmful components.


For advice, please contact us via 0882866095 or through the contact form.

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